Corporate Member Stryker
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Stryker Patient Handling: Treatment and Transport
The demands on healthcare professionals have never been greater—heavier patients, longer transports, demanding patients, and an expectation to perform with fewer hands on deck. Caregivers are forced to do more with less.
At the same time, hospitals are now under increasing pressure to improve efficiency and capitalise on cost- and time-saving activities.
Stryker has the Prime Solution to help you address these needs. Our Prime-Series Stretchers are designed to ensure your safety and efficiency while enhancing the patient experience. Prime is BackSmart. It can be instrumental in reducing caregiver injuries on the job, allowing you to focus on caring for patients in a comfortable manner.
Nursing injuries are expensive for healthcare organizations and can shorten careers. Most injuries occur while repositioning, lifting or moving patients. Stryker Prime is designed to help reduce or eliminate awkward body positions that can lead to injury, by incorporating ergonomic and electric functionality.
Stryker Patient Care
When it comes to choosing products for patient rooms, it is important to select a product that represents the standard of care.
Stryker’s Patient Care portfolio focuses on quality and prevention with a proven, performance based approach that impacts both clinical and financial outcomes for healthcare facilities. Stryker has launched over 10 new Patient Care products in the past 3 years, including a new hospital bed that can be versatilely used in both general ward and critical care settings, support surfaces with pressure ulcer solutions, and patient room furniture.
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