
News (February 2021)

Steps Framework for Adult Critical Care Nurses

23rd Feb 2021

CC3N in collaboration with other professional critical care nursing organisations and staff from Higher Education Institutes across the UK have developed the Steps Framework for Adult Critical Care Nurses. read more..

NCEPOD Report - In hospital care of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests: Time Matters

11th Feb 2021

A review of the quality of care provided to patients aged 16 years and over who were admitted to hospital following an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest has been published by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2021). read more..

Intensive Care Society: Recovery and restitution of critical care services during the COVID-19 pandemic policy statement

10th Feb 2021

This document provides a list of principles and recommendations for the recovery phase for ICUs. read more..

Digital Critical Care Skills Passport for RSC and NRSS roles

9th Feb 2021

The Critical Care skills passport is now digital. This passport was developed, in partnership with stakeholders, to prepare and support staff deployed to critical care to work as Registered Support Clinicians (RSC) or Non-Registered Support Staff (NRSS). read more..

Guide for international nurses during COVID-19

4th Feb 2021

This resource, created by NHS England and NHS Improvement, with the support of NHS Employers and the unions, provides a collection of national resources and guidance to support your international nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. read more..

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